Mariusz Patelski, The Position of Lusatian Sorbs in United Germany. On the Fringes of the Berlin Demonstration on May 29, 2008.

The Unification of Germany in 1989 brought the change in the socio – political situation of the Sorbian minority. In the new state the rights of the minority were claimed by the acts of Saxonian and Brandenburgian Parliaments. Simultaneously, on the May 19, 1991 The Fund for the Sorbian Nation was created. It's aim was to finance Sorbian scientific and cultural institutions. Fund's expenditures were to be provided by the federal (50%), Saxonian (30%) and Brandenburgian (20%) governments. At the beginning of the century, federal and Brandenburgian governments decided to reduce the subventions. It led to deterioration of many Sorbian institutions. Government's policy has also led to the conflict with the Sorbian minority. Only after the great demonstration on May 29, 2008 did the authorities bring the financing of the Sorbian institutions to the previous level. The future will show whether the constantly diminishing Sorbian community will be able to resist German officials' provocation.