Edmund Pjech – Lignite Mining in the Region of Wojrowice on the Border of Upper and Lower Lusatia

At the beginning of the 20th century, the mining industry became the most important regional employer in Lower and later also in Middle Lusatia. After the Second World War, the GDR government continued this tradition. Large projects were implemented, such as the Czarna Studnia lignite combine (1955–66), the large power plants in Lubniów (1957–64) and Wietoszów (1960–67). Moreover, a cornerstone was laid for Nowe Miasto Wojrowice (1955). In Czarna Studnia combine and in Nowe Miasto Wojrowice, the Lusatian culture and language were to be cultivated. Large center of Sorbian culture was to be established in the socialist city of Wojrowice. Wojrowice declared itself the new capital of the Sorbs. These plans were ultimately not implemented. After all, the Sorbian Museum was the only institution that settled there for some time. The city ceased to develop towards becoming a new bilingual center. Wojrowice as the capital of the Sorbs turned out to be an illusion.